A service commitment is a commitment you make to serve others. You may do this in one of several ways. You could be a sponsor, a meeting leader, a secretary, a timer or help with maintaining literature or other organization work.
For example, a sponsor is helping another person learning to live life with the help of the 12 steps. A service commitment aims to transfer experience from one person to another. Service is horizontal and all volunteer based. That means the organization relies on everyone to participate in order to continue, succeed and thrive.
Service is the backbone to being a successful member of PA-A and to contribute to your own personal growth.
What does the big book say about service work? If nobody was doing any service work, the PA-A program would simply cease to exist. Without the service work of those who came before us, none of us would be here now! One of the more common sayings you will hear at an PA-A meeting is that, “you have to give it away in order to keep it”. Dec 18, 2017
What is a PAA Service Board?
G.S.R.s are a group’s link with the PA-A. world beyond the group (other countries, cities and states) and help to carry the group’s voice and collective conscience to other groups and to PA-A. as a whole. Usually elected to serve two-year terms, they: • Keep group members informed about general service activities (other group activities, new literature, polices etc.) and opportunities in their local areas. •