7 Long-term Effects on Children That Are Alienated
Your child is being affected and your relationship with them is being damaged. You cannot be silent about it. But how do you deal with such a situation? Parental Alienation Anonymous (PA-A) is a 12-step support group designed to support parents, grandparents, alienated children and all relatives and family members that are affected by parental alienation.
Children require love and affection from both parents, they need this to continue to develop cognitively and emotionally. It is not natural for a child to be alienated from a parent. When one parent alienates the child from another parent, the child becomes disturbed and may have psychological, emotional, addiction and a host of other long-lasting effects. Below are seven long-term effects on children that are alienated.
- Anxiety and depression: Children want to love both parents, when they are unable to freely do this, it causes extreme upheaval in their emotional ability to function. It could be confusing for a child to assess what is right and what is wrong. The confusion may leave the child lonely, cause anxiety issues and sometimes severe depression.
- Anger issues: When a parent manipulates the child or instills negativity and hatred for the other parent in their mind, it has an adverse impact and makes the child upset or even angry with the parent. Eventually, they may develop anger issues and experience frustration, distress, and aggression. Some children may turn rude and even disrespectful as they grow up. This could go on for years.
- Fear: Parental alienation may make the child feel rejected by a parent. This may develop into fear, which could aggravate as the child grows. The fear can lead to them cutting off emotionally and not able to connect with the targeted parent. They may fear about the future, about how the parent would react, and assume problems that don’t exist.
- Alcohol, drug and eating disorder: When a child is worried and stripped of a parent, they tend to form other coping behaviors. Some may turn to drugs or alcohol to experience some relief from this while others turn to food, either in excess or anorexic and/or bulimic behavior.
- Lack of focus: When a child is disturbed, they may have trouble focusing. They might not seem present for activities they used to love. Some of them could even lose interest in studies, thereby resulting in bad grades.
- Low self-esteem: Not getting proper care and the deserved attention from both parents may make the child doubt themselves. They may be afraid of trying new things in life. Generally keeping their lives very small allows them to continue to function when this is exasperated. And may end up having low self-esteem or low confidence.
- Others: Some other effects of parental alienation on children could be self-destructing behavior, panic attacks, poor relationships, social identity issues, diminished activity, memory loss, and regressive behavior. Acting out or shutting down in normal social activities.
7 Long-term Effects on Children That Are Alienated