PA-A Service Positions

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED is 100% free and volunteer run. Please EMAIL US ( if you would like to volunteer or let a Secretary know at a any meeting.

WE can use all kinds of volunteers for the meetings and on an organizational level.

Portrait Of Successful Businesswoman Working At Cafè
Folks willing to secretary or lead an existing meetings or a new meeting.

Are you interested in secretaring or leading an existing meeting? 

We need folks willinging to start new meetings on different time zones to accomodate people from all over the world. We will train you and support you in starting a new meeting. Please contact us below and let us know of your interest so we can set up a call.

All people have voices that need to be heard.

Everyone’s voice is needed in our community.

We can best  support folks from all socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, genders and and other marginalised communities if we have diversity within our community.

Please let us know how we can best support you having access to our services.

If can can help support any of these communities e would love to hear from you as well.

Please click contact below and schedule a time to chat or just send an email with your suggestions and or questions.

group of people
young successful developer sitting at workplace with SEO sign on computer screen
Website SEO

How did you find out about PAA. Social media, website, google search or other online resources?

In order to make the free services available to the maximum amount of people we need your help with seo and sharing our services to the public at large.

If you can help please contact us below.

Proofreading and streamlining the website

We need folks to help edit the website, upload new content, edit the PAA specific books we are working on and a plethora of other organizational tasks.

We also need help on streamlining the website and other social media channels. If you are great getting the word out we need your help.

please contact us below.

Help in engaging on our social media channels.

Are you willing to help engage other organizations in order to build connection, cross pollination and a coalition for change.

This is an unbelievable service opportunity and a way for you learn about communities locally and around the world that service alienated folks.

please contact us below