Working Step 3 Questions

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a higher power as we understood them.

Here are some ideas and questions to ask ourselves or discuss in our group to begin exploring our relationship to the higher power of our understanding.

  1. How do I feel about turning my life over to a higher power for guidance?
  2. How do I know who or what my higher power is?
  3. Am I willing to try to turn my problems over? What could help me be willing?
  4. How can I stop thinking, trying, and considering, and actually make a decision?
  5. Have I had a problem making decisions in my life? Give examples.
  6. If I am unable to make this decision, what holds me back?
  7. Do I trust my higher power to care for me?
  8. How might step three help me keep my hands-off situations created by others?
  9. What consequences have I had by obsessing on problems and other people?
  10. When I “let go and let God” take care of my life, am i willing to follow the guidance I receive?
  11. How can I turn a situation over and let go of the results?
  12. How can I stop myself from taking my Will back?
  13. What can I do when my loved ones make decisions I don’t like?
  14. How can I let my love ones find their own life paths as I am finding mine?
  15. What can I do to try to see others as their higher power sees them?
  16. How can I express my higher powers will in my actions and words towards others, including the alienator?
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One Response

  1. A concept of turning my life over to a higher power Feels to me to smack of magical thinking. This is my life and my problem, and I expect to make progress diligence evaluation of all causes with the council and support of others for me, if there is any higher power, it is in the fellowship and Goodwill of others.

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