Working Step 4 Questions

Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

As we begin to consider the questions below, we need to remember to keep it simple and pray for guidance and courage. The following are not all inclusive, but rather Point to a beginning.

In preparing to take an inventory-

  1. Am I willing to look honestly at myself? What stands in my way?
  2. Have I sought help from my higher power, my sponsor, or other P-AA members?
  3. What suggestions have I tried to see if they might work?
  4. Do I understand the spiritual principle of an inventory?
  5. What do “searching and fearless” mean to me?
  6. What does a “moral inventory” meeting?

An inventory is not just our faults, we must also assess our power positive traits and accomplishments. If we are stymied by this task, it can be useful to think about qualities we like in others and worth and whether we may possess that same trait.

We continue by examining our assets.

  • In what ways am I caring? How do I empathize with other people? Am I kind to myself? Am I kind to the elderly? My Children? My family? My friends? Those in need of my assistance? Am I agreeable and courteous?
  • How am I tolerant?
  • Hope in two another’s point of view?
  • Do I listening in meetings and except that others have needs different from mine?
  • Do I practice patience with a newcomer?
  • How am I trustworthy? Do I pay my bills? Am I prompt? Do I fulfill my commitments? Do I act responsible in my job? How much can my family and friends depend on me?
  • How am I honest? Do I tell the whole truth? If not, what stops me from telling the truth?
  • In what ways do I take care of myself? Do I make needed medical appointments? Do I dress appropriately? Do I eat healthy foods? Exercise? Meditate?
  • How am I respectful? Do I take care of material things, whether mine or others?
  • How am I generous? Do I contribute to my group? Have I contributed by volunteering to be a trusted servant?
  • In what ways do I look for the good in others?
  • How am I kind? Am I considerate of other people? Do I listen patiently to a friend in need? Do I offer help when asked? Do I think to point out the good in others?
  • How the open myself up to others?
  • How am I practical? Do I have a budget? How often do I recognize what needs to be done and then do my share?
  • How am I dependable? How often do I meet work deadlines? Do I organize well and carry out what I decided to do?
  • What are my talents? Do I have any artistic gifts? Do I beautify my surroundings? Do I have mechanical skills?
  • Do I make friends easily? Why or why not?
  • Do I have trouble with intimate relationships? Why or why not?
  • In what ways do I express myself clearly and concisely?
  • How do I see the humor in my life and expressive?
  • How am I optimistic?
  • How do I practice my faith in a higher power? In myself? In others? How do I share my faith? Do I have an attitude of gratitude?
  • How am I humble? Do I ask my higher power for guidance and follow it to the best of my ability? Do I ever admit my mistakes? How patient am I with myself?

We now should have a list of good qualities to fortify us for the rest of the inventory. With each and every good quality we surveyed; we may have considered a quality we find uncomfortable to acknowledge. A thorough inventory, as we stated in the beginning of this chapter, includes our positive as well as our negative behaviors and thoughts.

Now our task is to deal with the difficult issues of our lives, past and present. Nothing will be solved by hiding from the truth. Justifying and rationalizing our actions and blaming others for all the problems in our lives will never produce serenity. Remember, we are only asked to take an inventory, not to do anything about what we learn. If we trust in our higher power and the guidance of our sponsor, these issues will be dealt with in a loving way as we continue to work the PAA program of recovery.

We continue by examining out liabilities.

  • In what ways am I resentful? Do I harbor a grudge? Why?
  • Whom do I resent it from my past? Why? What is my part in it?
  • Who do I resent in my immediate environment? Why? What is my part in it?
  • Do I resent authority figures? Why? What is my part in it?
  • Do I resend places or things? Why? What is my part in it?
  • When do I judge other people harshly and resent, they’re not doing what I think they should?
  • Do I hold everyone and everything to an impossible standard of ideal perfection?
  • How do I judge myself?
  • Am I fearful? What do I feel? Why?
  • Am I dishonest? Am I holding secrets? Do I lie rather than cause a scene? What dishonesty have I hidden from others?
  • To I feel sorry for myself? Am I filled with self-pity? How do I feel I have been a victim? What is my part in it?
  • Am I a fixer? Do I like to be in charge? Do I get upset when I don’t win? What consequences have I had from taking care of others instead of myself it’s?
  • In what ways do I trust myself in dealing with others? Do I go to safe places? Do I remove myself from intensely dangerous situations? Even if it’s my own home?
  • In what ways am I comfortable with my own sexuality? Do I enjoy sex? If I am having sexual difficulties, do I know why? Have I sort of professional help?
  • Do I have hey higher power of love or a higher power of fear in my life? How can I change my attitude toward my higher power?
  • Do I take on responsibilities that aren’t mine? Why or why not?
  • Do I do for others what they can do for themselves? Why?
  • Do I feel responsible for someone else’s learning, marriage, or recovery from alienation? How?

In step four we have begun the journey to self-trust through self-acknowledgement. As we continue the journey through the steps, we gain trust in ourselves, Our higher power, in other people, and in life. The path to recovery using the 12 steps, one step at a time, continues. Before taking the next step, congratulate yourself, call your sponsor, and share at your next group meeting the excitement and relief you feel from doing your own personal 4th step.

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One Response

  1. I have spent my life and a meaningful and reasonable examination of my inner processes and my relationships with others. I harbor no more in the ordinary illusions of every day live, I bare, no grudges, no resentment toward others and simply seek away forward. I’m looking forward to part in the fellowship as I know, there is a collective and community wisdom that exceeds my individual wisdom. I am hoping through community support and contact with the wisdom of the community to devise ways to remedy the alienation in my family, even after 30 years.

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