It is with a sad and heavy heart that we welcome our community to the memorial of…………
My name is _________________ and I was…………(friend, sponsor ect) of ……… I am holding space for this memorial. (please qualify) I am an alienated ……….. I have……….kids and please identify what contact you have.
We start the memorial with the serenity prayer (PASTE THIS IN THE CHAT), you can replace god with higher power or anything else that resonates with you. Please unmute if you would like and chant along.
- God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
Please read and post this in the chat….
Is this anyone’s first time attending PAA? If so please qualify in order to keep the room safe. A qualifying example is- I am an alienated…….(parent, grandparent ect) I have …….(kids, grandkids ect) They are years old..…..I have…..(no, partial,full) contact with them. Welcome and you will have time to contribute to the memorial later.
We will start the memorial with a spiritual quote from Ram Dass-
“We are all just walking each other home”
It is meant as a way to express the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living beings and things.
We are all on a journey of growth and evolution, and we are here to help each other along the way. We are not alone in our journey through life, but rather we are all in it together, supporting each other and learning from each other.
In essence, this is a reminder that we are all connected, and that the journey of life is not meant to be taken alone. Rather, we should support each other and help each other along the path, as we all “walk each other home”.
Can I please have a volunteer to time?
I will open the memorial by letting you know how……..touched my life.
I will share for 3-5 minutes and then open the space to anyone that wants to honor and remember………Please keep your share focused on……….and your experience with them. You will have 2 minutes to share and 1 minute to wrap up.
The memorial is now open for sharing, who would like to share?
(once everyone has shared)
We will close the official part of the memorial. Please stay after to fellowship and continue sharing your love and experience of…………
We will now have a minute of silence to honor……….
We will close the memorial with the serenity prayer (PASTE THIS IN THE CHAT), you can replace god with higher power or anything else that resonates with you. Please unmute if you would like and chant along.
- God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
The memorial is complete, please unmute and join in the continued honoring of …….