Secretary PA-A meetings (let go or be dragged intro to meditation)
Hi my name is ……………… and I am your PA-A secretary. (please qualify) My name is……. And I am an alienated……….. I have……kids and please identify what contact you have.
I would like to thank ……………our leader. A special request to everyone attending meetings. If could please keep your monitors on when possible to help create a culture of safety and consistency for community members.
PA-A is volunteer run organization for parents, grandparents, children, step parents, aunts, uncles and all relatives and family affected by this disease.
A special welcome to the new comers. It takes dedication and bravery to show up to a new meeting. MEETINGSAND PEOPLE’S EXPERIENCE CAN SEEM SCARY INITIALLY, AFTER A WHILE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HEAR THE RECOVERY AND HOPE. We welcome you and invite you to stay awhile. It usually takes 5-6 meetings to adjust to new meetings and formats. It has been a slow process for all of us. I AM PUTTING A PDF OF THE NEW COMERS BOOKLET, THE NEW COMERS WHATTS APP GROUP LINK & NEW COMERS AMBASSADORS TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN THE CHAT .. NEWCOMERS AMBASSADORS (CAN ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MEETINGS) –JEN K 831-428-3498 (PST). –STEPHEN C 281-799-8967(CST) NEWCOMERS WHATSAPP GROUP
We now have a community resource page, please share any additional resources. I am putting the link in the chat. Send additional resources to
BIRTHDAY ANNOUNCEMENT…..MONTHLY We acknowledge the birthday’s of our children, grandchildren and other alienated people in our life at this meeting. Does anyone have a birthday celebration this month ( be specific January ect)? If so please raise your hand, once called upon please say your child’s name, birthdate & age.
Happy birthday to everyone celebrating. It can be a hard, challenging and triggering time. We as a community are here to support you. Extra meetings, out reach calls and reading of literature are some suggestions for these times.
Please let me know in the chat or via email if you would like to volunteer and or be of service. Volunteering is a great way to integrate yourself into the group. (ASK FOR A SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT,) PICK A member that has a service position & ASK THEM TO share about their experience in service…..LIMIT IT TO 20-30 SECONDS.
Meeting time is for sharing your own experience, strength and hope, if you have any questions please wait until after the meeting is complete, the zoom link will be kept open for questions and fellowship for approximately 10 minutes. Self promotion, promoting of other groups and non approved literature is not permitted during meeting time.Please let the secretary know in the chat if you are having any issues in the rooms.
Is there anyone new to this meeting? We ask you this not to embarrass you but to get to know you. Please say your 1st name, IF YOU ARE AN ALIENATED PARENT, GRAND PARENT, RELATIVE OR FRIEND.
HERE IS A Qualifying Example, PLEASE ONLY SHARE THESE 3 THINGS. My name is……. And I am an alienated……….. I have……kids and please identify what contact you have. YOU WILL HAVE TIME LATER IN THE MEETING FOR A MORE COMPLETE SHARE.
We will now have a sponsorship announcement. (call on someone to share for 20-30 seconds on what sponsorship means to them.) post this link on what is sponsorship If you would like to find out about our sponsorship pods, volunteer to be a sponsor OR get a list of sponsors available please email the sponsorship committee at-
New meetings (link to…meeting schedule) will be posted on the website and links emailed on Thursday with any other PA-A related announcements.
Literature announcements…… We use Paths to Recovery as our primary literature. It is Al-Anon literature that we adapt for PA-A. Courage to change is also used, it is a daily reflection that we read, write and meditate on daily. I am posting a link to the literature. (PLEASE POST this LINK IN THE CHAT)(POST this LINK DURING THE MEETING)
Tradition announcement and post at meetings:
It is now time for the 7th Tradition, which states that every PAA group is self-supporting, declining outside contributions. To preserve the autonomy of the meeting, a $2-$5 donation is suggested. Extra funds will be donated to Al-Anon family groups until such a time that PAA has its own group and world services. All meetings will remain free and accessible to everyone, donations are only suggested. Our Venmo address (for US contributions) will be posted in the chat, for non-US members, Paypal can be used.
Please post in the chat:
Are there any other PA-A announcement’s? Please keep your announcement brief, no more than 30 seconds to allow a maximum amount of time for the group recovery.
- This is an introduction to meditation meeting……
There is a direct linkage among self -examination, meditation and prayer. Taken separately, these practices can bring much relief and benefit. But when they are logically related and interwoven, the result is an unshakable foundation for life.
As we have seen, self-searching is the means by which we bring new vision, action, and grace to bear upon the dark and negative sides of our natures. It is a step in the development of that kind of humility that makes it possible for us to receive our higher powers help. Yet it is only a step. We will want to go further.
We will want the good that is in us all, even in the worst of us, to flower and to grow. Most certainly we shall need bracing air and an abundance of food. But first of all we shall want sunlight; nothing much can grow in the dark. Meditation is our step out into the sun. How, then, shall we meditate?
“Let go or be dragged breath meditation”
Introduction to Meditation
We will be doing a 5-minute guided meditation. Once you hear the bell we will start and once you hear the bell we will end.
Please sit up in your chairs and feel both feet on the ground or your sit bones in your chair. Take A COUPLE OF DEEP breaths TO ARRIVE IN YOUR BODY AND THE ROOM room, name colors and objects in your head. We tend to spend most of our time not present and not aware of our own bodies.
Basic breath meditation is just becoming aware of your breath coming in and out of your nose. You can concentrate on the sensation the breath entering and exiting your nose. In your head you can say over and over breathing in, breathing out or you can count your breaths starting from 1 going to 10, each time you lose your count or have a thought just go back to 1 and start over. You will lose your place over and over again, and thoughts will come and go. This is meditation, as time goes less thoughts will come…remember there is no wrong or right way!!
I will ring the starting bell now please listen to the directions or look at the handouts around the room if that is easier. You are welcome to practice any meditation you like; the guided meditation is but a suggestion.
RING BELL (start timer on iPhone; set for 5 minutes)
Please slowly close your eyes.
Start taking slow breaths in through your nose and out through your nose.
Breathing in……. breathing out.
We are now going to do a slow body scan for releasing tension. starting with the top of your head, letting go of tension in your scalp, cheeks, relaxing your jaw muscles…. all the while staying aware of your breathe, breathing in, breathing out.
Relaxing your shoulders, releasing the weight of your arms, solar plexus, back, stomach…..staying aware of the breathe coming-in and breathe coming out…..feeling your sit-bones on the chair, relaxing the weight of your legs, letting go of any tension in your knees & calves, feeling your feet resting on the ground. Relax wherever possible. Remember to keep breathing in through the nose out through the nose.
Feel the sensation of air entering through the tip of your nose or nostrils and exiting through the tip of your nose or nostrils.
Breathing in….breathing out…..
wait 15 seconds
Each time you find yourself lost in a thought, a sounds, a to do list….just notice and come right back to the breathe……..
breathing in …..breathing out……
wait 15 seconds (repeat a couple of times)
It might be useful to count your breaths ….. breathing in 1, breathing out 2, breathing in 3, breathing out 4……..
wait 15 seconds
Each time a thought interrupts you just come back to the breathe and start counting again….Breathing in 1, breathing out 2……breathing in breathing out
wait 15-30 seconds……. breathing in…..breathing out. (repeat a couple of times)
Once final bell rings say……as you slowly start to open your eyes please look around the room and notice 1 or 2 things you hadn’t noticed before…….thank you for meditating in community…..
It takes a lot of courage to show up for meetings, we welcome you and applaud you for taking this step to take care of yourself.
I will now turn the meeting back over to our leader…………….
“Let go or be dragged loving kindness meditation”
Introduction to Meditation
We will be doing a 5-minute guided meditation. Once you hear the bell we will start and once you hear the bell we will end.
Please sit up in your chairs and make sure you have both feet on the ground.Take A COUPLE OF DEEP breaths TO ARRIVE IN YOUR BODY AND THE ROOM room, name colors and objects in your head. PLEASE Stomp your feet a couple times to bring yourself completely present. We tend to spend most of our times not present and not aware of our own bodies.
LOVING KINDNESS meditation can be practiced on others or ourselves. For the purpose of this meditation we shall practice on ourselves. As you are breathing in through the nose and out through the nose repeat this mantra…
May I be happy.
May I be free.
May I be at ease. (with exactly the way things are)
It is important to remember these are not questions but prayers for ourself. Set an intention to love yourself for these next 5 minutes and embody all of these prayers.
(feel free to open your eyes at any time to read the mantra sheets if you need)
I will ring the starting bell now. Please listen to the directions or look at the handouts around the room if that is easier. You are welcome to practice any meditation you like; the guided meditation is but a suggestion.
RING BELL (start timer on iPhone; set for 5 minutes)
Please slowly close your eyes.
Start taking slow breaths in through your nose and out through your nose.
Scan your body for tension starting with the top of your head, slowly letting go. Your scalp, cheeks, jaw muscles, shoulders, arms, torso, back, lower torso, legs and feet. Relax wherever possible. Remember to keep breathing. In through the nose out through the nose.
Feel the sensation of air entering through the tip of your nose or nostrils and exiting through the tip of your nose or nostrils.
Repeat the mantra
May I be happy.
May I be free.
May I be at ease.
Each time you find your mind wandering come back to the breathe and the mantra.
May I be happy
May I be free
May I be at ease (SECRETARY REPEATS AT every 20-30 seconds as needed)
It takes a lot of courage to show up for meetings, we welcome you and applaud you for taking this step to take care of yourself.
I will now turn the meeting back over to our leader…………….
When the bell rings turn it back over to the leader.
LINKS/PDF‘S tp podt in the chat
2-We now have a community resource page, please share any additional resources. Send additional resources to
3-what is sponsorship pdf…… If you would like to find out about our sponsorship pods, volunteer to be a sponsor OR get a list of sponsors available please email the sponsorship committee at-
4-PA-A literature links.
5-link to…meeting schedule
6-what is a group conscience