
WHAT IS A 12 STEP MEETING? (common questions)

How does a meeting work?

-12 step meetings are a group of people struggling with the effects of a disease. We come together to share our experience (what happened), strength (how we are learning to take care of ourselves), and hope (what changes we see as a direct result of coming to meetings and working on ourselves with the help of the 12 steps). It’s a place to not be alone anymore a place to have a shared reality. No one can relate to you as well as another person struggling with the same challenges.

Why is it called 12 steps?

-There are the 12 steps that we practice in order to recover some serenity and love in our lives. It’s a program so we gradually do these steps starting with step 1 and working them in order. It’s usually a process that each individual works at their own pace. As we start to work with the pain and loss of alienation we see our lives start to transform.

Who goes to meetings?

-Anyone that is affected by the disease. Parents, adult children, grandparents, other relatives, and friends. Anyone struggling with the effects of being alienated from someone they love is welcome.

Can I just listen?

-Yes, you can just listen, and on zoom, you have the choice to have your camera on or off.

Are there any fees?

-No there is no fee online, in-person meetings will sometimes pass a basket to cover the rent of the room if any.

Is it a cult?

-This is not a cult; it is folks suffering and looking for support and to be supportive. It’s a place for recovery and support.

PA-A at a glance

PA-A Facts PDF

PA-A Newcomer Booklet, to share with new comers at every meeting PDF

How to start a PA-A support group meeting PDF

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4 Responses

    1. Welcome to Parental Alienation Anonymous ( We are glad you have found us. Feel free to reach out via email ( to receive our weekly meeting schedule as well as other information you might find useful. The best place to find out about sponsorship is by attending some of the meetings. Good luck!

      This is a slow process but many of us have found healing on this journey through PA-A.

  1. This is what I’ve been looking for. I hope to just have camaraderie with others going through the same pain. All of my children have been alienated from me, along with my two grandchildren

    1. Welcome to Parental Alienation Anonymous ( We are glad you have found us. Feel free to reach out via email ( to receive our weekly meeting schedule as well as other information you might find useful.

      This is a slow process but many of us have found healing on this journey through PA-A.

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