Protected: Thursday night meditation leader, service email

Thanks for being of service and leading the Thursday night let go or be dragged intro to meditation meeting of PA-A…..(put date)

leader script link

The leader starts the meeting by reading the script link attached, you pass it on to me at the secretary portion and I lead the meditation. If it is your 1st time leading a meeting….It is light and easy and doesn’t need to be perfect:)) 

We just do the best we can do.

After the meditation I pass it back to you, you have the 1st lead and pick folks to share.
other tasks……..

1-you will need to place the serenity prayer in the chat to start and end the meeting.

2-you will need to place the 11st step in the chat when you begin your initial share.

Lastly, I would ask you to include your experience(a bit about your story and where you are today),strength (what you are doing to take care of yourself) and hope (your hope for the future) in your lead as you are setting the table and tone for the meeting. If you are not familiar with the slogan please google it and read up a bit before your lead.

Please let me know if u have any questions. 

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