Zoom (Transforming our Losses) Meeting (leader)

Zoom  (Transforming our Losses) Meeting (leader)

Transforming our Losses (Zoom Meeting) (leader script)

Welcome to the Transforming our Losses Parental Alienation Anonymous (PA-A) Meeting.

  1. My name is _________________ and I am the leader for this meeting.
  2. Please join me in the Serenity Prayer.
  3. May I have a volunteer to read the following:
    1. The PA-A Preamble
    2. 12 Steps
    3. The tradition of the month
    4. The do’s and don’ts of PA-A
  4. It is now time for the Secretary’s report.
  5. This is a book study meeting that is reading Transforming our Losses. We are on page ____. I will read 3 or 4 paragraphs and share on what I read relating it to my PA experience and recovery. Then we will go around the room allowing each person to share. If you choose not to share you may pass and there will be another opportunity to share at the end of the meeting. We ask that you relate your sharing to the reading and share from your own experience, strength, and hope, keeping the focus on yourself and how the PA-A program is helping or has helped you.

Please refrain from crosstalk. Cross talk is defined as sharing on another person’s share or directly responding to another person. If you are moved by another’s share, please feel free to speak to them after the meeting.

Since this is a PA-A meeting, please refrain from identifying yourself with any other group or 12 step-program.

  • At this meeting, we use a timer. You will have 3 minutes plus 1 minute to wrap up. (If there are more than 10 people, the time will be reduced to 2 plus 1 minute.) Who will be our timer?
  • It is now time for reading & sharing.
  • (for in person meeting’s only) At around /////, Leader says, “We will now stop reading and spend the remainder of the time sharing. We will continue around the circle until everyone has shared. Once everyone had a chance to share, we will open the meeting up and those that would like to share again can do so.”
  • At 7:55 Leader says, “That is all the time we have for sharing. (for in person meeting’s only) If you missed the 7th tradition and want to contribute, please do so.

 May I have a volunteer to read the PA-A closing (adopted from Al-Anon family groups)

Close the meeting with the serenity prayer.


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