For folks new to a PA-A 12 step format, it can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. There is a lot of pain, longing, anger, and loss with folks struggling with PA. Sometimes a meeting can seem overwhelming when new as we mostly relate to the pain and trauma.
It takes time to hear the message of recovery and to allow yourself some space and time to heal. When arriving at a meeting for first time and it might be jarring hearing folks laugh and make small talk. It may seem that they know everybody and have meaningful relationships, which could add to the feeling of separation and isolation.
I promise you every one of us initially felt out of place, self-conscious and lonely. After 2-3 meetings you are able to start tracking people’s stories and start to build some trust and rapport. It isn’t realistic that you will like everyone. Take what you like and leave the rest (certain stuff will resonate that folks share other stuff will not).
After 6 meetings you will have certain times and meetings that fit your needs. Hopefully you will also find some folks that you resonate with and start to build new friendships and support.
In meetings the slogan we often use is principles before personalities. The principle of us all seeking support, recovery, and a new empowered life.
PA-A at a glance PDF
PA-A Facts PDF
PA-A Newcomer Booklet, to share with new comers at every meeting PDF
HI Cheryl,
That is a great question. We have people in the fellowship that have chosen not to have further contact with their children. There are also lots that are actively fighting for a relationship. As long as you are alienated or estranged in some way I think it would be a fit.
please let me know if you have any follow up questions.
thank u