Parental Alienation Anonymous Inc ( is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to fostering education, advocacy, and support for individuals grappling with the distressing impact of parental alienation, estrangement, erasure, and family disconnection. Our core mission is to extend a helping hand to as many individuals and families as possible, firmly believing that every person navigating these challenges deserves a platform for their voice to be heard, access to unwavering support, and a compassionate space to seek solace.
We are committed to offering a holistic approach that addresses the diverse dimensions of the struggles associated with parental alienation. While we are not exclusively a 12-step organization, we proudly incorporate a 12-step support group program as part of our multifaceted efforts. PAA’s 12-step support group provides a safe haven for families enduring the effects of this complex pathology. While inspired by the principles of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, our meetings have been thoughtfully adapted from Al-Anon’s structure and literature.
Parental Alienation Anonymous Inc currently stands on five pillars:
1. **PAA 12-Step Support Group:* The group offers a structured and supportive environment for families facing parental alienation. We provide a space where shared experiences and collective wisdom through the 12-steps illuminate the path to emotional & spiritual recovery, understanding, and reconnection with ourselves and possible with our family members.
Are a peer to peer run support group. We have meetings every day of the week to support you along this incredible challenging and heart-breaking journey. Most of the meetings are on zoom with some in-person meetings forming. The wonderful thing about this program is it’s free and most importantly it’s an empowerment program. It empowers all of us to take our lives back one day at a time.
The community is made up of folks all over the Parental Alienation (PA) bell curve. Some folks have no contact with their loved ones, some have partial contact, and some are reunited and navigating the challenges that reunification creates.
Parental alienation anonymous or PA-A Is a 12-step program that is adapted from Al-Anon to help folks struggling with parental alienation, estrangement and erasure. Al-Anon has proven incredible successful over the last 80 years in people struggling with a variety of challenges within the family system.
This group is for parents, alienated adults, grandparents, aunts, uncles, children, and any other family members that have been affected by this pathology. Folks In all stages are welcome.
2. **Foundational Trainings:** We offer a diverse range of free foundational training encompassing emotional, educational, functional, and spiritual growth. These trainings include non-violent communication, meditation, family systems theory, grief and shame exploration, grace training, and discussions on death and dying among others.
3. **The Family Disappeared Podcast:** Our podcast serves as a robust platform for education, community, emotional resilience, spirituality, and advocacy. It showcases a diverse range of voices, from holistic professionals and PA experts to panels of parents, grandparents, children, and other family members affected by this pathology. This rapidly growing platform seeks to empower, advocate and educate people globally.
4. **The Family Hope Project (FHP):** FHP is a virtual art gallery uniquely designed to educate and advocate for all stakeholders impacted by parental alienation. By curating anonymous art submissions, along with compelling testimonies and data, we strive to bring to light the multifaceted challenges posed by the legal, mental health, and education systems. Our ultimate goal is to be a catalyst for positive change.
5. **Social Media and Marketing:** Leveraging an array of social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, and Meetup, we tirelessly promote our mission. These platforms serve to disseminate our message of assistance and hope to the widest possible audience. The platforms are intended to promote Parental Alienation Anonymous Inc and all of the services we provide.
Welcome to our community
We firmly believe that each person traversing the labyrinth of these painful experiences deserves the solace of a caring community, a safe space to articulate their struggles, and an avenue to seek guidance on their journey toward healing. At the core of our mission lies the commitment to offer assistance, empathy, and understanding without judgment.
At Parental Alienation Anonymous, we are unwavering in our commitment to create an inclusive, supportive, and informed community that empowers individuals to reclaim their voices, restore their connections, and foster change on a broader scale. Together, we aspire to illuminate the path from despair to hope, from isolation to connection, and from adversity to transformation.
Parental Alienation Anonymous (PA-A) is a group of parents, grandparents, stepparents, family members and other folks that are alienated, estranged, or erased from their families. We are a peer to peer run support group, an education portal, and an advocacy group.
We have meetings every day of the week to support you along this incredible challenging and heart-breaking journey. Most of the meetings are on zoom with some in-person meetings forming. The wonderful thing about this program is it’s free and most importantly it’s an empowerment program. It empowers all of us to take our lives back one day at a time.
The community is made up of folks all over the Parental Alienation (PA) bell curve. Some folks have no contact with their loved ones, some have partial contact, and some are reunited and navigating the challenges that reunification creates.
Parental alienation is a set of strategies that a parent uses to foster a child’s rejection of the other parent (the targeted parent). Parental alienation develops in children who come to hate, fear, and reject the targeted parent as someone unworthy of having a relationship with them.
Parental Alienation affects hundreds of thousands of families around the world. For most folks, there is no real support system. Parental alienation anonymous or PA-A Is a 12-step program that is adapted from Al-Anon to help folks struggling with parental alienation, estrangement and erasure. Al-Anon has proven incredible successful over the last 80 years in people struggling with a variety of challenges within the family system.
This group is for parents, alienated adults, grandparents, aunts, uncles, children, and any other family members that have been affected by this pathology. Folks In all stages are welcome.
Parental alienation anonymous is a support, education, and advocacy group. We are a community that supports folks struggling with PA, Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), estrangement and any form of alienation. We differ from other 12 steps group as we have seven foundational trainings that support emotional and spiritual recovery in the context of the 12 steps. The seven foundational trainings are, non-violent communication (NVC), meditation, The Work (Byron Katie), family systems theory, resilience training, somatic/breath work/inner child work and boundary setting.
PA-A (Parental Alienation Anonymous) is a fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of ALIENATORS whether or not the alienator recognizes the existence of a problem or seeks help. Members give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength, and hope. Sharing of similar problems binds individuals and groups together in a bond that is protected by a tradition of anonymity.
PA-A (Parental Alienation Anonymous) is not a religious organization or a counseling agency. It is not a treatment center, nor is it allied with any other organization offering such services. PA-A Family Groups neither express opinions on outside issues nor endorses outside enterprises. No dues or fees are required. Membership is voluntary, requiring only that one’s own life has been adversely affected by someone else’s alienating behavior problem.
What are community members saying about PA-A (parental alienation anonymous) 12 step meetings?
“This is the first time I am in a group of people where I do not have to explain anything I am talking about. Everybody understands what I am saying and the words I am using. There is so much relief in that.”
“I have met some incredible people in the zoom meetings. I now have friends I text and talk within between meetings. I do not feel so isolated and alone more and more often.”
“I go to other 12 step meetings that are great, but this meeting fills a deep need to be connected with others that are struggling with the same reality. The steps have been magical in other programs. I am so excited to start working them in this program.”
“I came to PA-A to get some help with my family problems, that is all I really wanted. I came to several meetings before I learned that I am part of the problem. I had to focus my attention on myself and start working on my own issues, I feel so much more hope and freedom because of it. First and foremost, this program is about me, once I have a healthier and more grounded relationship with myself then I believe I will be ready to transform all my relationships especially with my kids.”
“My sponsor is a god send. It’s amazing that someone is willing to support me in such a gracious and kind way. I am slowly learning how to have a healthy relationship with myself and others”