Here is our budget for 2023

Please donate through our GO FUND ME page. We are a 501-3c non-profit and rely 100% on donations from the community, friends, family and the public at large. Please help us continue to do this incredible important work.

Annual Budget 2023Parental Alienation Anonymous
Ongoing ExpenseWeeklyMonthlyYearly
Kinsta Web Hosting$90.00
Virtual Assistant 15 hours week$800.00Estimated Expense
Corporation Assignee$249.00
Website Maintenance$1,000.00Estimated Expense
Game Night budget 1x month$100.00$1,200.00
Business License$100.00$100.00
One-time ExpensesOne-time Expenses 2023
Filing for Non-Profit Status$1,500.00
Website Buildout$2,500.00
Foundational TrainingsWeeklyMonthlyYearly
NVC Facilitator$100.00$400.00$2,600.00Estimated Expense
The Work Facilitator$100.00$400.00$2,600.00Estimated Expense
Systems Theory$100.00$400.00$2,600.00Estimated Expense
Grace Training$100.00$400.00$2,600.00Estimated Expense
Somatic Introduction$100.00$400.00$2,600.00Estimated Expense
4-Week programs every other month

Hi, my name is Lawrence Joss and I am the director of Parental Alienation Anonymous (PA-A.ORG). We are a non-profit serving alienated, estranged and erased family members. We are so excited to announce that March 15th will be our second-anniversary celebration. We currently support 12 support group meetings a week on zoom. We have functioned 100% with a very generous grant over the 1st two years.

We are asking you to help us continue to expand the reach of the services we currently offer. We are also asking for help to fund all our foundational trainings. We will be bringing professionals at reduced rates to support these incredibly important offerings.

-NVC Non-Violent-Communication

-Family Systems Theory

-Meditation, The Heart Practices

-The Work (Byron Katie)

-IBP Somatic experience

-Grace Training (Joan Holifax)

-Working with Shame & Guilt

We also have an advocacy initiative we are launching in March 2023. It will be a virtual advocacy gallery. We intend to engage the worldwide population that is struggling with this pathology. We will have them contribute any form of art they want to create to our gallery to bring awareness to this systemic epidemic.

Parental alienation

Parental alienation affects millions of families around the world yet remains largely invisible to those who have not been affected by it. For most alienated, estranged and erased parents, there is no real support system, and the impact is devastating. Parental Alienation Anonymous offers a 12-step program of recovery adapted from Al-Anon to help folks struggling with this family disease. It also offers seven foundation trainings for free. PA-A supports alienated parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, adult children and any other family and friends affected by the pathology. Folks in all stages are welcome.

All participants on the group level are volunteers. Meetings are peer-to-peer run and supported.

Funds are needed to cover the ongoing cost of operating expenses such as-

Zoom rooms, supporting technology, website development, host, costs of maintaining our nonprofit 501(c)(3), launching our advocacy program as well as other programs that will be launched this year.

We will have all expenses, funds raised and reserves available for anyone to see on our website. We are dedicated to total transparency.

Estimated expenses for the year-$20,000

Amount raised as of……..